House of Talents

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Practical Jackie

What’s on offer

Jackie will be offering thrifty, ingenious yet practical tips to make our lives under lockdown just a teeny bit easier. 


*Note from founder

Every household needs someone practical and Jackie is our in-house fixer. To give you an idea of the level of practicality she operates at: when we lived together in Berlin in the 80’s, she decided we needed a bath. After finding one dumped in the next-door street, she bought a stash of DIY plumbing manuals, and a few days later we had a bath (in the kitchen as that was the only room with enough space). We did, however, draw the line at her rigging up a gas boiler so she relented and we drafted in Jurgen, our neighbour across the corridor who was, handily, a gas boiler fitter. When COVID-19 hit, Jackie was on it immediately, doing XL spread sheets of the sell-by-dates of the food in her ‘Armageddon shop’ (her description) so nothing would go off and What’sApping me pictures of the immune-boosting vitamins she was taking.