House of Talents

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Dr. Massih Yaghmai

Daoist Osteopath, Acupuncturist & Naturopath.


Dr. Yaghmai comes from Iran from a long line of healers.  He has been practicing in the UK for almost 40 years, combining acupuncture, osteopathy and naturopathy. He follows the ancient philosophy of Daoism, which treats the body, mind and spirit. This is his passion and his life’s purpose. In addition to his medical training he is a Thi Qii and Chi Kung practitioner. His approach to healing is to look at the person as a whole, including lifestyle and nutrition. He works with people to help manage and cure a wide range of health conditions. 

Massih will be giving talks and seminars on how to maintain our body’s optimum overall health during these times.

Qualifications & Affiliations

·    Acupuncturist, deep tissue massage, Tui-Na practitioner (ATCM) Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine

·    Naturopath, Nutritionist (Eastern/Western) N.D (Naturopathic Doctor)

·    MRN (Member of Register of Naturopaths)

·    Craniosacral Osteopath, RCST (Register of Craniosacral Therapists)

·    Physiologist LCSP ( London & County Society of Physiologists)

·    Doctor of Alternative Medicine

·    Biologist, Biochemist, Bsc (Hons) London University

·    Daoist Osteopath DO (Diploma in Osteopathy)

·    MCO (Member of the College of Osteopaths)


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Phone number 07961887130